
promiscuous programming

First Thoughts on Using Threads in Python

One of my aims for 2014 is to improve my grasp of concurrency. I’m hoping to write concurrent programs using a various approaches (threads, async, channels) and take the Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures Coursera class which looks into these issues in the context of distributed systems.

With this in mind, when I decided to take my Github Data Analysis project and work on version 2, the first thing I decided to do was restructure the API scraper to handle multiple concurrent connections.

There are a few approaches for concurrent programming in Python, and the async framework Twisted gets a lot of love at Hacker School, but I decided to stick to the standard library and use the threading module following this IBM tutorial. (Async support for the standard library is being worked on currently.)

The gist of the tutorial was to use queues to pass data between threads using a producer-consumer model. The main thread loads the initial URLs (users) into download_queue and 30 FetchUrlWorker threads take the URLs from the queue and fetch the data. The necessary data is added to db_queue and other URLs (repository and contributor listings) are added to download_queue. The single DbWorker thread collects the data from db_queue and inserts it in a SQLite database. The program ends when both queues are empty.

The producer consumer model isn’t too hard to understand but I had a few issues getting it to work smoothly:

  • If an error causes a task to not be indicated as complete the queue will not empty and the program hangs. I ended up resorting to Pokémon exception handling to ensure that self.download_queue.task_done() was always called.
  • Ctrl-C doesn’t work as expected, it refuses to close child threads in case they are in the middle of something critical. This was a real nuisance when I was dealing with non-empty queues and the program was hanging. I hope to experiment with catching the KeyboardInterrupt exception in the main thread and setting variable that is checked by the loop in the other threads to tell them to halt.
  • Thread objects are initialized in the main thread, not the child thread that they create. I was using a sqlite.Connection object which can only be used in one thread by default. Initializing it in DbWorker.__init__ (executed in the main thread) and using it in DbWorker.run (executed in the child thread) raised an exception and it took me a while to work out what the problem was.

While it may not be my finest code I’m pretty happy with how it has turned out so far, it runs far faster than the single threaded version and the producer-consumer model is conceptually simple even if dealing with the edge cases requires some care. I’ve been dabbling with node.js recently and I’ve been reading about Twisted so I should have something to compare this approach with soon!